We Bring Valuable Work Opportunities to Enterprises

Opus Resources LLC. in Phoenix, Arizona has been performing the confidential search and recruitment of mining and mineral processing and heavy manufacturing professionals. In our staff, the average tenure in professional recruitment is 15 years. Our experienced group can bridge the gap between skilled individuals and great career opportunities at exceptional companies.

Keeping you updated with vacancies in  your industry Your information is safe with a company that values confidentiality

Our company is not associated or affiliated with other search firms or headhunters. It is through these employment agencies or mass marketing networks that private information becomes public knowledge and goes viral with the click of a mouse. Head-hunting networks electronically broadcast your personal information with virtually hundreds of sources. This way of handling things exposes your resume and credentials without regard to the sensitivity and discretion required of managing your portfolio.

When companies receive your resume from multiple sources, duplication occurs, and you are more than likely removed from contention because of it. Frequently, and without your knowledge or permission, networks submit your resume to various entities. This may comprise subsidiaries of the very company you work for, or your current employer’s partners, which exposes your private search for a new career.

Resumes submitted to our enterprise are held in strict confidence and deemed as intellectual property until a one-on-one conversation with our staff addresses your aspirations, goals, geographic preference, and family needs by phone.

Openings become available for different reasons. To name some, it could be because of retirement, inner company transfers, and poor performance. Other cause may include family needs that require the incumbent to leave and when companies’ succession plans do not produce the talent essential to fill the vacated spot.

For more than 30 years, we have discretely presented career opportunities not publicly known to the communities of global mining, cement and aggregates, or chemical and mineral processing. The way we keep carefully selected employment opportunities under wraps is one aspect that has never changed with time.

Serving as career brokers, we keep our candidates abreast and informed of just what is available for someone of their particular expertise on the open market. Through the years, those engineers employed through our offices are now at the top of their respective jobs, recognizing how we have handled their careers.

opus resources 2025
Email:     powersource@powersourceglobal.com